Comune di

Useful contacts

For any information you can call the toll-free number 800688645 operating from Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Gestel information office

If you are a new user or you need to clarify or regularise your position, you can contact the Gestel operators at their Arco office at 80, via S. Caterina.



If you are a company and you need information you can write to

Other collections

► Bulky and WEEE collection service

Home service: you can request a home pick-up by calling 0464571741 or sending an email to (in the request you should indicate your personal information/address/material to be collected/phone number).


For further info Bulky waste / Waste and correct disposal / Environment / Thematic areas / Comunità Alto Garda e Ledro


Collection Rules

► Display the containers and/or bags near your house number, on public land and driveways, by 6 a.m. on collection day.

► After emptying, the containers must be removed from public land.

► Only the waste that complies with the instructions will be collected on the appointed day.

Collection Centre and Infopoint

The Collection Centres for users in the Municipality of Arco are:


Riva del Garda 

loc. BALTERA, Via Marone 7


8.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.

Monday to Saturday



Ceniga in Dro


Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturday - 8.15 a.m. – 12.15 a.m. - 2.15 p.m. - 5.15 p.m.

closed on Thursdays


Nago Torbole

Località Mala-Nago, n.22/A


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9.00 a.m. – 12 a.m.

Wednesday and Saturday 9.00 a.m. – 12 a.m. and 2 p.m. - 5.00 p.m.



Segnalazioni e richieste

Ti serve un nuovo contenitore? Vuoi attivare un sopralluogo? Inviaci le tue richieste!

Un modo semplice e veloce per inviarci le tue richieste o segnalarci la presenza di rifiuti abbandonati e altre irregolarità.

Compila online

Per reclami, disservizi, informazioni è possibile inviare il modulo reclami (allegando una copia della carta d'identità) via posta al seguente indirizzo Idealservice Soc. Coop - Loc. Matoni, 9 - 38074 Dro (TN) o via email a

Scarica il modulo


Non sai dove gettare un rifiuto? Consulta il nostro dizionario online!

Dove lo butto?


La risposta alle domande più frequenti

Leggi le domande

Elementi sul territorio

Controlla la posizione delle isole ecologiche, dei centri di raccolta e degli altri elementi sul territorio.

Consulta la mappa

Come si fa la differenziata?

Leggi la nostra guida rapida e impara a differenziare bene i tuoi rifiuti.

Percentuale di raccolta differenziata 2022

*Dati Ufficiali ISPRA – Catasto Rifiuti

All paper material for printing and writing. Paper should be delivered loose and pressed to reduce its volume.

Cosa si può conferire:

Office paper for photocopiers and printers, advertising brochures, photocopies and miscellaneous papers, newspapers, books, notebooks, magazines.

Cosa non si può conferire:

Plasticised paper and covers, carbon paper, greaseproof paper, sandpaper and wallpaper, nylon, bags and cellophane, cardboard.

Dove si può conferire:

blue street container.

All cardboard for packaging. Cardboard should be delivered loose and pressed to reduce its volume.

Cosa si può conferire:

Pizza boxes, folded cartons, cardboard packaging and boxes.

Cosa non si può conferire:

Plasticised paper and covers, carbon paper, greaseproof paper, sandpaper and wallpaper, nylon, bags and cellophane, Tetra Pak cartons.

Dove si può conferire:

blue street container.

All paper material for printing and writing. Paper and Cardboard should be delivered loose and pressed to reduce its volume.

Cosa si può conferire:

Office paper for photocopiers and printers, advertising brochures, photocopies and miscellaneous papers, newspapers, books, notebooks, magazines.

Cosa non si può conferire:

Plasticised paper and covers, carbon paper, greaseproof paper, sandpaper and wallpaper, nylon, bags and cellophane, cardboard.

Dove si può conferire:

blue street container

These include all glass containers with which food and other products are packaged. Glass should be handed in without clear residues of its contents.

Cosa si può conferire:

Glass bottles, jars, glasses and packaging.

Cosa non si può conferire:

ceramics and porcelain, demijohns, light bulbs, neon, mirrors and plates, large-sized glass.

Dove si può conferire:

Bottle banks

The packaging used for the finished products (food and other items) that you buy in shops. Plastic and cans should be handed in pressed to reduce their volume and without clear residues of its contents.

Cosa si può conferire:

Coat hangers, foam baths, plastic bottles, tin foil, rigid plastic food packaging, metal containers (peeled tomatoes, tuna, etc.), detergent bottles, plastic packaging, aluminium cans, tinplate cans and tin cans, plastic plates and glasses, shopping bags and bags, shampoo, polystyrene food trays, aluminium food trays, yoghurt pots, Tetra Paks cartons.

Cosa non si può conferire:

dirty or full plastic containers, rubber objects, plastic cutlery, toothbrushes.

Dove si può conferire:

households: waste banks/dumpsters

non-domestic: sack/container



This category includes all waste consisting of nylon.

Cosa si può conferire:

Nylon sheeting, sacks, bags and large polyethylene packaging film (29.7 cm x 42 cm), soil and fertiliser bags (cleaned and without residues), big bags (polypropylene fabric bags for packaging).

Cosa non si può conferire:

plastic packaging.

Dove si può conferire:

households and non-domestic: banksk/container

Food and other biodegradable waste.

Cosa si può conferire:

kitchen scaps, leftover food and damaged foodstuffs, bones, fish bones and crustacean shells, egg shells, coffee grounds and tea filters, fruit and vegetable scraps, cut flowers, paper towels soiled with organic materials, used paper handkerchiefs, mater-bi bags, compostable bags.

Cosa non si può conferire:

Hazardous and recyclable materials, nappies and sanitary towels made of non-biocompostable synthetic materials, rags, wipes, handkerchiefs, soiled napkins.


Dove si può conferire:

underground waste collection system (badge).

The undifferentiated dry waste is that part of our waste that cannot be recycled.

Cosa si può conferire:

Plastic wash basins, document folders, audio and video cassettes, CDs and their cases, ceramic/porcelain shards, cosmetics and toothpaste tubes, toys, light bulbs (excluding neon), painted wooden objects, nappies and sanitary towels, pens, small rubber objects, plastic cutlery, hoover bags, broken shoes and/or clothing, soiled rags, terracotta.

Cosa non si può conferire:

Spray cans, organic waste, used clothing, construction material, plastic plates and glasses, batteries and medicines, bulky waste, recyclable waste, special waste from production activities, bulky waste, used toners and cartridges, biodegradable bags, bioplastics.


Dove si può conferire:

grey container